Ditch the words

Introducing Ditch the words - the app that gives businesses a real-time pulse check on their online reputation. Ditch the words uses cutting-edge sentiment analysis technology to track and analyze customer reviews from internet Businesses can quickly and easily see how they're performing, whether they're exceeding customer expectations or falling short.

Similarly consumers can check up on the businesses online reputation without reading through pages of customer reviews.


Why is this needed?

Since most of the data online is unstructured/ unorganized, it’s hard to analyze, understand, and sort through, not to mention time-consuming and expensive.

Ditch the words empowers consumers to identify customer satisdaction rate with just few clicks. For individual consumers, this customer satisfaction score can be used to decide if they want to make a transaction at this business. For business owners, this customer satisfaction score can help proactively respond to customer concerns, boost customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

How to understand customer satisfaction score?

Just find the score on smiley chart. if the arrow is pointed towards happy emoji face, the satisfaction score is positive. If the arrow is pointed towards unhappy face, the satisfaction scrore is negative.